MPEG-DASH Live Streaming Latency Decrease – Wowza Community

MPEG-DASH Live Streaming Latency Decrease

Vraag van · 02-11-16 om 13:38 ·


on behalf of my company i am currently evaluating the capabilites of MPEG-DASH live streaming for a video conferencing application.

My testing environment is a LAN in which a ffmpeg-encoded live stream is sent via rtmp to the Wowza Engine.

The engine is configured to transrate the video into different renditions and to provide the MPD. On the client-side the stream is shown either by Shaka Player or Dash.js hosted by a webserver.

After tuning the parameter of the MPEG-DASH Streaming Packetizer property there is still ~ 6 seconds latency between sender and receiver.

ffmpeg command used:

ffmpeg -f dshow -i video=”webcam name” -vcodec libx264 -g 12 -r 24 -f flv rtmp://server-ip:1935/live/myStream

MPEG-DASH Streaming Packetizer configuration:

mpegdashChunkDurationTarget 500

mpegdashMaxChunkCount 5

mpedashPlaylistChunkCount 5


mpegdashMinimumUpdatePeriod 500

Is there any way in the Wowza Streaming Engine to lower the latency below 1 second?

A few people have achieved such low latency by using fragmented transfer of the video segments to the client.


Is anything like this possible with Wowza?

Thank you in advance                 

Auteur: koenarchief